November 2022

morgage payments
Tax blog
iFind Taxpro

Mortgage interest rates fell in early November.

Mortgage rates in the United States decreased last week by the most since the end of July, falling below 7% and causing an uptick in purchase applications, which had previously been declining. According to data from the Mortgage Bankers Association,

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Don't try to defy the tax system
Tax blog
iFind Taxpro

The Tax Court Sets a Cap on Capital Losses

Notably, you can use a loss to lower the amount of a gain you had earlier in the year that would have been subject to a high ordinary income tax rate if you hadn’t realized it. Taxpayers can use their

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stack of coins showing wealth increase
Tax blog
iFind Taxpro

Why Accountants Should Pay Attention to Wealth Management

Adding value for your clients is essential if you want a successful, long career and expanding business. An accountant’s job description is “preparing and examining financial records,” according to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics. The duties of accountants have

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