General Questions

NO, we do not charge any fee. iFindTaxpro is a completely free marketplace where you can connect with verified tax professionals, accountants, CPAs, bookkeepers and tax attorneys.  

Once you create your profile by signing up with iFindTaxpro, go to the my Account icon and select Professional Profile. Fill out all mandatory details and add your hourly rate for the services you offer. Once done, click 'Send to Approve'.

Our team will go through your submitted details and call you to confirm all given information is correct and do backend verification from available sources. Once you are verified, you can start reviewing and applying for projects.

At iFindTaxPro, we do not take responsibility for submission deadlines. In case of doubt,
you can use our proprietary communication tool, OCP to safely contact your project owner and discuss the deadline extension.

At iFindTaxpro, we do not take responsibility for submission deadlines. Use our proprietary communication tool, OCP to safely contact the professional you hired and discuss the deadline extension.

 If unsatisfied, you can disconnect them from further participation in your affairs.

You can use our proprietary communication tool, OCP to safely connect with in-demand accountants, CPAs, and tax attorneys. With this app, we provide an ideal environment for productive collaboration.

Professionals can generate invoices on our platform. You can directly make payments to the professional using your preferred payment method.

YES, all accountants, bookkeepers, CPAs and tax attorneys on iFindTaxPro platform are verified by our team of experts.

Click on Sign up


Step 1: On the iFind TaxPro homepage, click on the “Enter Your Project Here” button. 

Step 2: It will open a form. Fill the form with your email address, your project heading (Entity) in short, project description (Entity Description), and select your service type from the list.

Step 3: Check on The Terms of Service and Privacy Policy boxes.

Step 4: Click on “Submit”. 

On your Entities Dashboard, click on the + or expand sign. This will open the details of your job posting. Once your job posting is verified and activated, you can modify it.

Here, you can add a sub-user, advisor, auditor, and external professional.

We take 24-36 hours to verify and activate any job post.