Business Taxes

ice cream cones infront of a ice cream shop
Tax blog
iFind Taxpro

Tax Considerations for Ice Cream and Frozen Dessert Shops

Increasing Revenue and Maintaining Compliance in Your Frozen Dessert Company: Inventory Costs and Seasonal Sales While the world of frozen treats and ice cream is wonderful, tax season can be mentally taxing. Improving your ice cream shop’s tax condition requires

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Tax blog
iFind Taxpro

Demystifying Tax Forms – 1099-MISC vs. 1099-NEC

Understanding the Key Differences and Navigating the Terrain of Tax Forms When it comes to independent contractor payments, businesses often become confused in the complex world of tax reporting. The two similar, 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC further make matters even more

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food truck in Chicago with a backdrop of sky scrapers
Tax blog
iFind Taxpro

Tax Planning for Food Trucks and Mobile Vendors

Navigating Tax Implications and Maximizing Deductions in Mobile Food Businesses – Sales Tax Collection and Operating Expenses The rich smell of roadside food and the busy chatter in moving markets show how popular these real shops on wheels are. But,

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Clipping the nails of the Dog as part of dog grooming service
Tax blog
iFind Taxpro

Navigating Taxes in Pet Care Services

Comprehensive Guide for Pet Care Service Providers on Tax Considerations, Income Management, and Deductions Our undying love for our furry friends fuels a bustling pet care industry. Tail wagging walks and cuddlings, expert grooming and playful trainings for pampered pets

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Tax blog
iFind Taxpro

Outsourcing Tax Preparation for Businesses

Discover The Pros And Cons Of Outsourcing Tax Preparation For Your Business And Make An Informed Decision. Tax preparation is a crucial part of managing a business’s finances, and companies often face the decision of whether to handle it in-house

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Tax blog
iFind Taxpro

The Impact of Government Stimulus Programs on Business Taxes

Navigating CARES Act and Beyond: Leveraging Tax Benefits and Compliance in a Stimulus-Driven Economy In the wake of economic challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic, government stimulus programs have become a lifeline for businesses. While these programs offer essential financial relief,

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