licensed tax professionals

ice cream cones infront of a ice cream shop
Tax blog
iFind Taxpro

Tax Considerations for Ice Cream and Frozen Dessert Shops

Increasing Revenue and Maintaining Compliance in Your Frozen Dessert Company: Inventory Costs and Seasonal Sales While the world of frozen treats and ice cream is wonderful, tax season can be mentally taxing. Improving your ice cream shop’s tax condition requires

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Tax blog
iFind Taxpro

Cryptocurrency Custody Services and Tax Reporting

Navigating Tax Obligations for Cryptocurrency Investors Using Custodial Services Cryptocurrencies are performing very well in the market, and digital asset security is an essential need. Cryptocurrency custody services provide a remedy, but their tax implications can be perplexing. This guide

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Tax blog
iFind Taxpro

How Tax Professionals Support Cryptocurrency Trading Platforms

Navigating Tax Implications: Maximizing Compliance and Efficiency in the Evolving Crypto Landscape Cryptocurrency trading platforms are of great importance in the digital economy by providing global exchange services for virtual currencies and tokens. Nevertheless, the complicated tax implications of crypto

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Research and Experimental (R&E) Expenses
Tax blog
iFind Taxpro

Navigating Capitalization and Amortization

New Guidance on Research and Experimental Expenses – Understanding IRS Code Sec. 174 for Effective Compliance Research and Experimental (R&E) expenses incurred in the years starting after 12/31/2021 must be capitalized and amortized over 5 and 15 years for US

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