Self-Employment Tax

Social media influencer whi has monetized her content in the beauty sector
Tax blog
iFind Taxpro

Tax implications for social media influencers.

Social Media influencer’s obligations and tax strategies concerning sponsored content and self-employment. The digital age has opened doors for a new generation of entrepreneurs: social media influencers. These persons exploit their profiles on social media as well as the influencing

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Tax blog
iFind Taxpro

Tax Considerations for Freelancers Working Abroad

Navigating Tax Obligations as a Freelancer Working in a Foreign Country Freelancing offers the flexibility to work from anywhere, including abroad. However, working as a freelancer in a foreign country comes with unique tax considerations that freelancers need to be

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woman working on her laptop for her home-based business
Tax blog
iFind Taxpro

Tax Considerations for Home-Based Businesses

Navigating Tax Savings and Compliance for Your Home-Based Venture Operating a business from the comfort of your home has its perks, but it also comes with specific tax considerations. Home-based businesses can take advantage of various tax deductions while ensuring

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