small businesses

Tax blog
iFind Taxpro

Tax Implications of Employee Benefits for Small Businesses

A Comprehensive Guide to Optimizing Employee Benefits while Managing Tax Responsibilities. Providing employee benefits is a crucial aspect of attracting and retaining talent for small businesses. However, offering benefits also comes with tax implications that business owners need to understand.

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Tax blog
iFind Taxpro

Tax Strategies for Small Businesses During Economic Downturns

Navigating Tax Challenges to Strengthen Your Business in Tough Times. In the face of economic downturns, small businesses often find themselves in a challenging position, striving to maintain stability and protect their bottom line. While financial uncertainties can be daunting,

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Tax blog
iFind Taxpro

Tax Considerations for Small Businesses Engaged in E-commerce

Navigating Tax Obligations and Opportunities in the Digital Marketplace In today’s digital age, e-commerce has transformed the way businesses operate, providing entrepreneurs with unparalleled opportunities for growth and global reach. However, with these advancements come new tax considerations and obligations

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small business owner leaning on the door beside an open sign
Tax blog
iFind Taxpro

The Impact of Tax Reform on Small Businesses

Navigating the Changes and Maximizing Opportunities for Small Business Owners Tax reform has always been a significant topic of discussion, with new laws and regulations often affecting various aspects of our lives. For small business owners, understanding the impact of

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Why Offering 401(k) Plans to Employees is More Attractive for Small Businesses Now
Tax blog
iFind Taxpro

Benefits of 401(k) Plans for Small Businesses

New Tax Credits and Provisions of the Secure Act Make it Easier to Offer Retirement Benefits Small businesses across the country are starting to offer 401(k) plans to their employees, thanks to new tax credits made available by the Setting

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