The marketplace is a convenient platform to engage accounting professionals from across the globe at affordable and feasible rates.
1. Users can “Add Marketplace Project” from the Navigation pane
2. Proceed to enter all the requisite details including the Title of the Project and a brief description of services that need to be rendered by Professional Accountants
Users may use the text processing tools embedded within the text box to manage the description style according to the user’s needs.
3. Select the applicable entity/ Individual Requiring the services from the drop-down list.
4. Select “Interested to work with professional from”.
a. Client creating a project “Professional within the US” and a professional within the US is able to see whereas a professional outside the US is not able to see that project.
b. Client creating a project “Professional Outside US” and a professional within the US is NOT able to see whereas a professional outside the US is able to see that project.
c. Client creating project Any” and professionals within the US as well as professionals outside the US are able to see that project.
5. Proceed to “Add New Project”
6. Project Request will be added to “Marketplace Projects”